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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Kehebatan Sukhoi indonesia

Posted by septian huda | Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009 | Category: |

The greatness of Sukhoi fighter aircraft is no doubt. Therefore, it is no exaggeration when members of the House of Representatives Commission I-RI, Permadi, while watching the demo in the sky Zhukovsky air late August and then said,''Indonesia is not going to lose a Sukhoi fighter aircraft that in fact more sophisticated than F5 Tiger fighters or American-made F16 States.''

It is considering, sophisticated Sukhoi aircraft are urgently needed to back up the defense in order to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Moreover, some fighters F5 and F16 owned Indonesia can not be used because it damaged the U.S. embargo. Therefore, Indonesia needs to and should be replaced with other combat aircraft, including Sukhoi of Russia.

Keep in mind, four Sukhoi jet fighters (two Su Su 27 and two Mk 30) Indonesia purchased from Russia worth nearly 200 million U.S. dollars is known as the aircraft type Superiority of water (air superiority). The aircraft was capable of balance between the water-to-air and air-to-ground if it had to be upgraded and the dual role or dual-role fighters and bombers for the Su 30.

Another role that carried Su 30 is ground attack. Because of its role, Sukhoi fighter jets Su Mk 30 is equipped with fuel injection systems in the air (air refueling). Basically, Su 27 fighter jets were able to fly from Moscow-Paris without refueling in the air.

This is what makes Western observers admiration for the fighter jet. It was thanks to planes Sukhoi designed to contain 22,000 pounds of fuel in the wings that are attached to his body. While the appearance of the prime Su 27 Flanker in Paris, the plane was still excess Pugachev fuel.

Unfortunately, Sukhoi purchases made by way of trade offs (counter trade) is not as smoothly as expected. The reason there are blockages of the House Commission I, in particular the Working Committee (Panja) House of Representatives. With a variety of reasons and excuses such as the one procedure and violated the law, the Committee tried to keep the disputed purchase of the aircraft.

In fact, Russia as a seller, has been trying hard to trade offs are running according to the agreement signed by the two heads of state (Vladinir Russian President Putin and President Megawati Sukarnoputri) during a visit to Russia last April.

Even Putin, as quoted Director General of Rosoboronexport, Alexander Mikheev, requested that the agency immediately sent to the Indonesian Sukhoi. ''In this trade offs, the President intervened directly,''said Mikheev to the Head of Delegation in Indonesia Widjanarko Puspoyo water arena show.


Putin orders are, of course, in accordance with the agreement made two heads of state. Putin, says Mikheev, continuously control the process of trade offs in Indonesia.

''The President also ordered us to be done Sukhoi delivery faster, so the plane could be used by the TNI AU TNI anniversary commemoration.''

Fighter aircraft purchased Indonesia, according to The Trade Counter Rosoboronexport, Valimov, is the standard type as purchased Malaysia. The difference, Malaysia buy in bulk (30 Su 18 Mk) worth 900 million dollars in cash, while Indonesia 4 aircraft (2 Su 27 and Su 30 Mk 2) with trade offs.

The price, obviously Valimov, far different. If Malaysia, per unit valued 50 million dollars, while Indonesia''only''32 million U.S. dollars. Although much cheaper price, there is no commission is guaranteed especially marked up. There was''no commission, because the payment through trade offs,''he said.

Moreover, the purchase of Sukhoi by Indonesia on the basis of an agreement the two heads of state. Bargain''that we give to Indonesia, because our government (the Russians) know, Indonesia is experiencing funding difficulties.''

He revealed, the price of the purchased Sukhoi could be tilted for Indonesian negotiator team shrewdness in bargaining. ''The Indonesian delegation led by Mr. Widjanarko Puspoyo (Managing Director Bulog-Red) dollar bid for the dollar in a relatively long and exhausting.''

Seeing the sincerity of the Russians in doing these trade offs, very unfortunate if the Committee insisted that the Parliament Sukhoi with a variety of reasons and excuses still question the purchase of the aircraft. In fact, Vice Chairman of the House Committee Effendy Choirie Sukhoi insisted that the House to impose sanctions to the government budget, if the purchase of four aircraft that continues.

Apparently some members of the Committee Sukhoi did not want to hear other people's opinions in this case. Terbukt i, they no longer want to hear the explanations and criticisms thrown as Secretary General of the Presidium of the National Party marhaenis (PNM) Edwin Henawan Soekowati.

On that occasion, Edwin said, the Committee Sukhoi was trapped in the affairs of the loose change or something that is not the principle. They have lost direction and personality, and had to look for popularity by revealing things that are not necessary.

''Is it the purchase of Sukhoi directly hurt the country or not? Review not only financially but in terms of the security side. Why question the Committee was so intense that problem? We'll see, the Committee for reseh only things that are not the principle,''he said.

Although there was scathing criticism, Effendy remained determined to give sanctions to the government budget. Even had suggested to House Speaker Akbar Tandjung to immediately invite the faction leaders for the House of Representatives plenary session of Parliament held a special by calling the president's agenda in order to provide a direct explanation about the purchase of Sukhoi.

If the Committee questioned the Sukhoi is still a budget, it looks funny. Is not a member of the House Budget Committee emphasized Yahya Aly HM, concerning the purchase of Sukhoi, which is procedural in particular the government is charged to the buyer Bulog, no things that deviate.

In a sense, what is done by Bulog in conformity with the lines and procedures.

That then Bulog pay the down payment of Sukhoi, in accordance with the official rates issued by the relevant departments, in this case the Armed Forces Commander and the Ministry. If the expenditure must be included in the budget figures, it is a necessity.

Specifically concerning the purchase Sukhoi, he saw the procedural conducted by the government specifically charged to the buyer who Bulog, no things that deviate. In a sense, what is done by Bulog in conformity with the lines.

Meanwhile, in the 2003 budget there is still a reserve fund Rp 8.5 trillion. The reserve fund can be used for urgent needs, in addition to natural disasters or other things that are desperately needed, especially in the context of national defense.

Sukhoi fighter aircraft, said Aly, is required by the TNI AU to back up activities of the Army and Police in order to maintain the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Budget was the budget of 2002, ie USD 1.3 trillion.

Budget 2003 special for today, especially the TNI AU also needs funds to purchase Sukhoi. He expects, the fund's purchase of Sukhoi get into the State Budget Supplement. Thus, whatever is done Bulog rescue measures.

Specifically, what do Bulog to pay the down payment is a step Sukhoi rescue when this country needs something very urgent. Meanwhile, the funds have not teralokasikan in Budget 2003. But because there is a reserve fund, expenditures could be included in the additional state budget.

So, all things related to the purchase of Sukhoi is transparent. There are no mark ups, commissions or violation of procedure. In fact, the Commander of the TNI had already revealed, the purchase of the aircraft had not violated the procedure. The question is, why the Committee remains adamant questioning Sukhoi aircraft purchases.